Text on the Nex

TextController now setup in 60x28 display mode on the Nexys board ! The picture quality is vastly improved due to the use of a crystal source. Uses the WXGASyncGen1440x900_56Hz.v sync generator and TextController.v  components. The pixels have been scaled by 3:1 horizontally and 4:1 vertically in order to make the characters narrower and higher which looks more natural for a text display.


(older text)

TextController setup in 52x29 display mode on the Nexys board ! The picture quality is slightly less than perfect as there is some "fuzziness" in the horizontal timing. This has been compensated for by making the TextController's pixels span across about four monitor pixels. For a while I thought there was some problem with the sync generator causing some horizontal jitter. However I think now it may have to do with the fact that the Nexys's built in on board clock generator isn't crystal based. The Nexys board does have a socket for a crystal oscillator which could be used.