© 2003 Bird Computer


Bc_uart is a uart core that is somewhat unique in that it can use almost any base clock frequency as a timing clock, and run at virtually any desired baud rate, due to the use of a harmonic frequency synthesizer that determines the baud rate.

BC_UART is composed of four modules: bc_uart, bc_uart_rx, bc_uart_tx and bc_fifo16x8. bc_uart uses the BCS SoC bus interface, but is easily adapted to SoC buses.

The bc_uart module contains the baud rate generation logic and glues everything together into a useable uart core. bc_uart_rx contains the receiver logic for the uart, bc_uart_tx contains the uart transmitter logic, bc_fifo16x8 contains the fifo used for the receiver and transmitter modules.

All signals are active high unless otherwise noted.



module bc_uart(reset, clk, ce, cs, rd, wr, a, di, do, irq, cts, rts, sin, sout);

Signal Description
reset This signal is normally connected to the system reset signal. It resets the uart forcing it to the idle state, setting the fifos to the empty state, and clearing any over run or framing error. It also clears the interrupt enable bits and the request to send output (rts).

reset is sampled on the positive edge of the clock

clk this is usually connected to the system clock and is used as a base timing clock
ce This is a system clock enable. Data will be latched into the uart on the rising edge of clk when ce is high. This signal may be tied high in systems where data is transfered from the system in a single clock cycle.
rd This signal is used to signify a read operation to the uart. Note: the uart data outputs always reflect the contents of the currently addressed register regardless of the rd signal. However, the rd signal (combined with ce) is used to advance the receiver fifo.
wr This signal is used to signify a write operation to the uart.
a This is a three bit address vector used to address one of six available uart registers. (Registers are described below).
di This is the data input bus to the uart.
do This is the data output bus from the uart.
irq This is an active high signal that indicates when an interrupt condition is present and interrupts are enabled. It will remain high until the interrupt condition is cleared.
cts This is the clear to send (cts) input signal used for flow control.
rts This is the request to send (rts) output signal used for flow control.
sin This is the serial data input port.
sout This is the serial data output port.

Register Description

Reg. No. Function Description
0 transmit / receiver buffer write - write to transmit buffer (fifo)
read - read from receive buffer (fifo)
1 status (read only) bit 7 = interrupt
bit 6 = received data present (check before reading reg. 0)
bit 5 = receive buffer full
bit 4 = transmit buffer empty
bit 3 = transmit buffer full
bit 0 = cts (clear to send)
2 control bit 6 = receive data present - interrupt enable
bit 5 = receive buffer full - interrupt enable
bit 4 = transmit buffer empty - interrupt enable
bit 1 = rts (request to send) output state
3 reset / error a write to this register resets (clears) the transmitter/receiver
a read reads the error status
bit 7 = receiver overrun
bit 6 = receive char framing error
4 clock multiplier high This register should be programmed with the high order byte of the clock multiplier value.

The clock multiplier steps the 16x baud clock frequency in increments of 1 / 65536 of the clk input using a harmonic frequency synthesizer
For example. to get a 9600 baud 16x clock (153.6 kHz) with a
27.175 MHz clock input a multiplier value of 400 is needed
153600 = 400 * (27.175MHz / 65536)
115200 baud (1.84MHz) = 4798 * (27.175 MHz / 65536)
Higher frequency baud rates will exhibit more jitter on the 16x clock, but this will mostly be masked by the 16x clock factor.

5 clock multiplier low This register should be programmed with the low order byte of the clock multiplier value.
6,7 reserved not used


The receiver module contains a three stage data input synchronizer on the serial data input in order to avoid meta-stability problems. If receiver over-run occurs due to data not being read from the receiver when the fifo is full, then incoming data bytes will be lost.

module bc_uart_rx(reset, clk, baud16x_ce, rd, clear, do, sin, data_present, full, frame_err, over_run);

Signal Description
reset This signal is normally connected to the system reset signal. It resets the receiver by forcing the receiver state machine to the idle state, setting the fifo to the empty state, and clearing any over run or framing error.

reset is sampled on the positive edge of the clock

clk this is usually connected to the system clock and is used as a base timing clock
baud16x_ce This is the 16x baud rate clock enable. This clock enable is sampled on the rising edge of the clk signal, and it should only be a single clk pulse width wide to ensure proper operation. Timing of incoming data is determined from this clock. Each bit is sampled at 1/16 the baud16x_ce rate
rd This signal is used to read data from the fifo. If data is present the fifo will advance to the next item after the read. The rd signal should be one clk pulse in width and is sampled on the positive edge of the clk signal.
clear This signal performs the same function as the reset signal. It is provided to allow resetting the receiver without using the system reset signal. It resets the receiver by forcing the receiver state machine to the idle state, setting the fifo to the empty state, and clearing any over run or framing error.

clear is sampled on the positive edge of the clock.

do This is the data output from the fifo. It always reflects the next available data byte.
sin This is the serial data input port. It would normally be connected to an external physical interface such as an RS232 line receiver. There is a three stage synchronizer between this input and the receiver module to avoid meta-stability problems.
data_present This signal indicates that there is data present in the fifo that is ready to be read. As soon as the data is read, this signal will be cleared.
full This signal indicates that the receiver fifo is full. Any additional incoming data will result in over-run status and loss of data.
frame_err This signal indicates a framing error in the incoming serial data stream due to the absence of a stop bit.
over_run This signal indicates the receiver over-run state. Over-run occurs when the fifo is full and a new character is received.



module bc_uart_tx(reset, clk, baud16x_ce, wr, clear, di, sout, full, empty);

Signal Description
reset This signal is normally connected to the system reset signal. It resets the transmitter by forcing the transmitter state machine to the idle state, and setting the fifo to the empty state.

reset is sampled on the positive edge of the clock

clk this is usually connected to the system clock and is used as a base timing clock
baud16x_ce This is the 16x baud rate clock enable. This clock enable is sampled on the rising edge of the clk signal, and it should only be a single clk pulse width wide to ensure proper operation. Timing of outgoing data is determined from this clock. Each bit is transmitted at 1/16 the baud16x_ce rate
wr This signal is used to write data to the fifo. The fifo will automatically advance to the next item after the write. The wr signal should be one clk pulse in width and is sampled on the positive edge of the clk signal.
clear This signal performs the same function as the reset signal. It is provided to allow resetting the transmitter without using the system reset signal. It resets the transmitter by forcing the transmitter state machine to the idle state, and setting the fifo to the empty state,.

clear is sampled on the positive edge of the clock.

di This is the data byte input to the fifo.
sout This is the serial data output port. It would normally be connected to an external physical interface such as an RS232 line driver.
full This signal indicates that the transmitter fifo is full. Additional data written to the transmitter when the fifo is already full will overwrite the current contents of the fifo.
empty This signal indicates that the transmitter fifo is empty.