DO NOT USE THIS CORE YET !!!!!! UNTESTED X11G X11G: 11 bit CISC core currently in the works. It's an accumulator oriented architecture similar to earlier eight bit microprocessors. This is a weekend wonder core, written in two days, whether it works or not is anybody's guess... This core is currently untested and not known to be working. However, it does synthesize cleanly. Features / Goals: - include all 6502 style instructions with extras added (ADD, SUB, OUT, INP,...) - non pipelined multi-state CISC - 32 bit address bus - 11 bit data bus (most operations are byte-at-a-time) - approx 2800 LUTs, 1500 slices / 250 ff's 50+ MHz operation.
Download: X11G.zip (20 kb)