© 2003 Bird Computer


This core takes a 15 bit RGB color value and maps it into the YIQ colorspace.

The following equations convert the RGB color space to YIQ:

Y = 30% red, 59% green, 11% blue
I = 60% red, -28% green, -32% blue
Q = 21% red, -52% green, 31% blue

The method used is to use lookup tables and sum the results. This is fast, space efficient and simple.

130 Logic Cells (approx).

Output Range
Y = 0 to 31
I = -18 to 18
Q = -16 to 16

All signals are active high unless otherwise noted.


module RGB2YIQ(R, G, B, Y, I, Q);

Signal Description
R A five bit input vector representing the red value.
G A five bit input vector representing the green value.
B A five bit input vector representing the blue value.
Y A five bit output vector for 'Y' (the intensity).  Ranges from 0 to 31.
I A six bit output vector for the 'I' component.  Ranges from -18 to 18 (two's complement).
Q A six bit output vector for the 'Q' component.  Ranges from -16 to 16 (two's complement).