bc6526tod -
6526 Compatible Time of Day Core
© 2004 Bird Computer
bc6256 is a 6526 register
compatible time of day core that can easily be integrated into a larger core.
It keeps track of the time in hours / minutes / seconds and 10 ths of seconds.
All signals are active high unless otherwise noted.
Download bc6526tod.v
Performance values are approximate (Spartan 2e-6):
71MHz / 152 LUTs
module bc6526tod(rst, clk, ce, rdy, tod, tod_freq, cs, wr, addr, din, dout, alarm, midnight);
Signal | Description |
rst | This signal is normally connected to the
system reset signal. It resets the clock. rst is sampled on the positive edge of the clock |
clk | this is usually connected to the system clock and is used as a base timing clock. |
ce | This is a system clock enable. Data will be latched into the clock on the rising edge of clk when ce is high. This signal may be tied high in systems where data is transfered from the system in a single clock cycle. |
rdy | This signal indicates the circuit is ready. It is internally tied to the circuit select signal meaning the circuit is ready as soon as it is connected. |
tod | This signal connects to a 50 / 60 Hz timing source. The signal may be connected to an asynchronous source as this signal is internally synchronized before being used. |
tod_freq | This signal is indicates the frequency of the clock source (1=50 or 0=60 Hz) |
cs | circuit select - this is how the core identifies a valid bus transfer to / from this circuit. |
wr | This signal is used to signify a write operation to the clock. |
addr | This is a three bit address vector used to address one of eight available clock registers. (Registers are described below). |
din | This is the eight bit data input bus to the clock core. |
dout | This is the eight bit data output bus from the clock core. |
alarm | This signal pulses high for a single clock cycle when the alarm registers match the current time. |
midnight | This signal pulses high for a single clock cycle at midnight. |
Register Description
Reg. No. | Function | Description |
0 | 10ths of second |
read / write - 10ths of second register bit 3-0 = 10ths of a second in BCD format |
1 | seconds |
read / write - seconds register bit 6-0 = seconds in BCD format |
2 | minutes |
read / write - minutes register bit 6-0 = minutes in BCD format |
3 | hours |
read / write - hours register bit 7 = am / pm indicator bit 5-0 = hours in BCD format |
4 | 10ths of second |
read - 10ths of second register (same as r0) write - 10ths of second alarm register bit 3-0 = 10ths of a second in BCD format |
5 | alarm seconds |
read - seconds register (same as r1) write - seconds alarm register bit 6-0 = seconds in BCD format |
6 | alarm minutes |
read - minutes register (same as r2) write - minutes alarm register bit 6-0 = minutes in BCD format |
7 | alarm hours |
read - hours register (same as r3) write - hours alarm register bit 7 = am / pm indicator bit 5-0 = hours in BCD format |